Player Authenticate was founded in 2011 and originated from the idea of improving the age old process of collecting personal documents required by youth sports into the 21st Century. No more binders or Tupperware boxes filled with birth certificates, proofs or residency, and social security numbers, never knowing how this information was stored or discarded. We had the notion that the entire process should be moved on line to a site that was just as safe and secure as your online banking or bill payment sites.
As we did our market research into youth sports and how this idea would apply, we came across several growing concerns from parents, coaches and leagues where online credentialing could help control or potentially even solve. Fair play and child safety concerns, which was a direct result of older and bigger kids being allowed to compete against younger and smaller kids, seemed to be the number one concern voiced by parents during months of market research. Coaches and leagues voiced the frustration and concerns that lingered about players “playing down”.
How can we help? Easy. Allowing Player Authenticate to oversee and provide a digital credentialing option allowing us, a third party to verify the documents and approve eligibility eliminates the risk of “bending the rules”. This also gives the league and coaches a place to verify, via the site, that players are approved to compete in leagues, tournaments, and in certain age groups. Player Authenticate also gives parents an easy, safe, and secure way to submit and store their personal documents required for league credentialing.
Our goal is to keep it simple and give everyone involved in youth sports the peace of mind that their children are protected on every level.
Herbie Kunz
Founder, President
Mr. Kunz has successfully worked as an account executive in the healthcare industry for over 28 years receiving many honors including the coveted “President’s Club” 5 times. Mr. Kunz graduated from Northern Kentucky University with a Bachelor of Science (Accounting) degree in 1990, along with a minor in Finance. He has over 18 years of experience with youth sports management. His experience has been as a parent, team coach, administrator and board member at multiple levels from recreation to travel leagues. Mr. Kunz himself is a lifelong multi-sport athlete, team captain, winning 2 high school state championships, and was personally selected to the All State Team for two sports. He was inducted into the high school Hall of Fame for both soccer and baseball. He continued his athletic career earning a full scholarship and was a 4-year starter and team captain for Northern Kentucky University NCAA Soccer Team winning multiple honors. He has been nominated to collegiate Hall of Fame.

Fred Sorino
Vice President
Mr. Sorino has over 27 years of sales and sales management experience, spending the last 7 years as a director of sales with an industry leading medical device company. In addition, he has spent the last 7 years as a member of the Board of Education, where he currently holds the position of Vice President. Along with a successful high school and college athletic career, Mr. Sorino has over 13 years of youth sports experience as a parent and coach for multiple sports. He has been heavily involved, both initializing and participating, in a number of recreational coaching clinics with a focus on making the experiences for everyone involved in youth sports a safer, more efficient, and enjoyable process for all.